Plant Profile: Flamingo Flower

Flamingo flower is a tropical, evergreen flowering plant which thrives in low light. It's one of the few low light plants that will flower in normal household conditions, and the blooms are a beautiful sight to behold. The foliage of flamingo flower is also appealing for indoor gardening, and the plant will live happily for many years with proper care and maintenance. Flamingo flower has been hybridized for the past 100 years, and various compact hybrids are available, all of which are ideal for indoor containers. One plant may live for as long as five years, or indefinitely when propagated through division.

Several very compact varieties of flamingo flower may only reach about 12 inches in height, but larger varieties can grow up to 18 inches in height and width. Leaves are dark green in color, roughly heart-shaped, formed on long-stems and can reach 8 to 10 inches in length. They are waxy in appearance, similar to the flowers. In fact, many people have commented that the leaves and flowers of the plant appear artificial due to their plastic-like texture.

Flamingo flowers bloom nearly year round, with one plant producing as many as six flowers in a year. Each flower lasts around 6 weeks before fading, or 2 to 3 weeks when cut. The showy, waxy flowers can be red, pink or white in color, and are the real reward of caring for this low light tropical plant. However, one of the most interesting characteristics of flamingo flower is the erect spadix, which protrudes above the spathe and can reach 3 inches in length.

Other Names:
The botanical name for flamingo flower is anthurium, which comes from the Greek anthos, meaning flower, and oura, meaning tail. The name refers to the distinctive shape of the spadix, or flower spike. Common names include flamingo lily, little boy flower and little boy plant, which are also in reference to the spadix.

Native to the wet, tropical rain forests of Central and South America, flamingo plant grows best in moist, humid low-light conditions. The plant may even be grown outdoors in mild climates, but performs best as a houseplant in most locations. Some species climb or vine, and these will benefit from a totem or trellis, although most varieties are fine in a medium-sized plastic or clay pot.

The flamingo flower prefers soil consisting of three parts peat moss to one part chopped sphagnum moss, with a little charcoal and loam mixed in. Other potting soils rich in peat are also suitable, such as an African violet mix. Fill the pot one-third of the way full with pebbles or crocks for added drainage, which is very important to the health of the arthuriums. Heap the soil over the areas where the leaves join the underground stems to keep the roots moist and prevent them from drying out.

Filtered, low light is best for the flamingo flower. It can be placed several feet from a well-lit window, where it will thrive and even bloom regularly. It should never be placed in direct sunlight. 

A constant temperature of between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit yields the best results. Flamingo flower is happiest when there is little change between daytime and nighttime temperatures, which makes it ideal for indoor gardening. If the temperature drops below 55 degrees Fahrenheit for any length of time, the leaves will turn yellow and may even drop. Keep the plant warm and it will reward you with beautiful blooms all year.

Flamingo flower needs evenly moist soil during the spring and summer months. Water once or twice per week as necessary to keep the soil moist, but be careful that it isn't wet for long periods of time. In the fall and winter, watering can be reduced, but the soil should never be allowed to dry out completely. Water approximately once per week or anytime the top of the soil becomes dry to the touch. Wipe the leaves down with a clean cloth soaked in warm water once every week or two to remove dust and/or insects.

High humidity is necessary all year in order for flamingo flower to thrive. The shiny texture of the leaves will be lost if the humidity drops below 50 percent for several days in a row, and the plant could die if conditions persist. To raise the humidity around the plant, place pots on trays filled with moist gravel, mist several times per day with lukewarm water or keep a humidifier near the plant at all times.

Feed flamingo plants once per month in spring through late summer using a high-phosphorus plant food. In fall and winter, feed once every six weeks using a balanced houseplant fertilizer. Refer to the manufacturer's instructions for proper dosage and application.

Repot flamingo flower in spring once every one to two years, moving to a slightly larger pot each time. Set the plant high in the pot, so that the crown is visible just above the soil line. Sprinkle the roots with moss or a thin layer of potting soil if they are visible at the surface of the soil after repotting. Propagate if necessary while you have the plant out of the pot, and water thoroughly after transplanting to settle the soil.    

Flamingo flower is best propagated by division in early spring, but only when the plant produces a new crown more than an inch away from the main crown. While repotting, gently pull the new crown away from the plant, and place in a small container. If proper care is provided, the new flamingo flower should begin to bloom after about a year.

Mites, scales and mealybugs may become a problem for flamingo flower. Check the foliage regularly for signs of pest infestation, and treat with a recommended pesticide according to the manufacturer's directions.  

Keep flamingo flower away from curious pets and small children. The foliage contains calcium oxalate crystals and several other toxic components which can cause severe burning of the mouth and skin irritation in humans and animals. Wear gloves while handling and repotting the plant, and always wash your hands thoroughly after touching, just to be safe.

Plant Profile: Piggyback Plant

The piggyback plant is a durable perennial low light plant, which will tolerate most household conditions. Its name is derived from the plant's unique reproduction method. Small buds develop at the base of each leaf where it meets the stalk, and new baby plants form on the mature leaf as if riding "piggyback." Even more spectacular variegated varieties are available, and they perform equally well in low light conditions.

Growing no more than a foot tall, the piggyback plant has bright green, hairy maple-shaped leaves. Each leaf has five to seven toothed lobes, which are rough to the touch. Plants grown in a low light environment rarely flower. When they do bloom, small greenish-purple colored flowers are borne on the end of long stems above the leaves. However, the flowers are insignificant and the true value of the piggyback plant is its beautiful foliage. The piggyback plant trails beyond its container, as the weak stems are strained under the weight of the leaves.

Other Names:
Piggyback plant's botanical name is Tolmiea menziesii, but it is also called by a number of common names. Mother of thousands, thousand mothers, pick-a-back and youth-on-age are the most well-known.

Native to the west coast of North American, the piggyback plant is accustomed to cool, moist and low light areas. They grow naturally under the canopy of large trees, particularly in redwood forests. This makes them fantastic indoor low light plants, as they cannot tolerate bright, direct sunlight. Although the plant doesn't grow very tall, it will slowly trail into a column, displaying its long, delicate stems. Piggyback plant is ideal for hanging baskets and planters. Smaller plants are best started in small pots and then transferred to 8- or 10-inch hanging baskets as they become larger.

Piggyback plant is happiest in heavy soil with good drainage. Any standard, high-quality organic potting mix will be sufficient.

Valued for their tolerance of low light which would kill many other houseplants, the piggyback plant prefers filtered shade. It can survive as far as 8 feet away from a well-lit window, but its recommended that you place the plant as close to the light as possible. An east- or west-facing window will provide ideal conditions for Tolmiea.

The piggyback plant will survive a wide range of temperatures, but it prefers daytime temps above 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Nighttime temperature should be between 50 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit for the best results. The plant may be placed outdoors during the spring and summer months if the recommended average temperatures are maintained, but should brought back inside in early fall.  

Soil should be kept evenly moist and the root ball should never be allowed to dry out. Check piggyback plant daily and water as needed. If the top of the soil is dry to the touch, it's time to water. Indoors, the plant may only need to be watered once every two to three days, but keep a close eye on your piggyback, as environmental conditions play a large role in the duration between waterings. Apply water until it begins to drip from the bottom of the container. Discard any remaining water, as the piggyback plant does not like like wet feet.

Piggyback plant prefers high humidity. If the air becomes too dry, the leaf margins will begin to brown. Place a humidifier in the room with piggyback plants, or mist the air around the foliage using a spray bottle filled with lukewarm water. Use the finest setting to achieve a mist, and don't soak the leaves or use a narrow spray. 

Fertilize piggyback plants once per month during the months of May through September. Feed once every six weeks during the remainder of the year. Use a balanced fertilizer formulated for houseplants, following the manufacturer's instructions for dosage and application.

Pinch back old leaves and stems to promote new growth and keep your piggyback plant compact. Remove damaged leaves and stems as necessary. No further pruning is required.

Piggyback plants need to be repotted every 1 to 2 years in spring, as they outgrow their containers. Move to a pot which is a few inches larger in diameter and your plant will continue to grow. However, keep in mind that piggyback plants begin looking haggard after several transplants, so keep repotting as minimal as possible.  

Propogation is best performed by harvesting the small plantlets which form on the mature leaves of the piggyback plant. Fill 4-inch pots with a high-quality potting mix, pull off a few plantlets and place one in each pot. Tuck them into the soil, making sure it is firmly packed around the plant's crown. Water thoroughly, and then place the entire container into a plastic bag. Tie the top of the bag with a twist tie, and leave the new piggyback plant in a warm place for one week. Remove the bag and resume care as you would for a mature plant.

The hairy leaves of the piggyback plant may cause skin irritation in some sensitive individuals. Always wear gloves while handling and/or transplanting Tolmiea to protect yourself, just in case. Keep the plant out of reach of pets and children, as well.